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R.E.D. Warrior® Experience — Bounce Aerobics (Rochester, NY)

$249.00 $199.00 for 1 year



Bounce Aerobics
311 Miracle Mile Dr, Market Place Mall
Rochester, New York

Date & Time:
Saturday March 25, 2017
10:00am – 3:00pm

The R.E.D. Warrior® Experience is a unique five-hour live training experience.  The course includes four hours of online pre-training modules that introduce the format and movement of the R.E.D. Warrior® workout.  The live portion of the training workshop introduces each round of the R.E.D. Warrior® workout – including a basic introduction to each form of martial art or military training/functional fitness that the workout movement is based on, plus a breakdown of the movement combinations in the workout, along with explanations about proper form and modifications.

This special workshop also includes an introduction to Moving Meditations™ and a Moving Meditations™ workshop!  R.E.D. Warrior® Moving Meditations  are short meditations based on martial arts practices set to music to enhance and improve your emotional well-being.  They are each based on an emotion, and are driven by music, combining music and movement in short bursts to realign or amplify energy.  In the Moving Meditations Workshop portion of the day, we will break down these movements and provide tools to help you stay in alignment and deal with emotions on a daily basis.

The Workshop provides 9 AFAA CEUs, .9 NASM CEUs and .9 ACE CECs

The R.E.D. Warrior Experience Workshop includes:

  • Four hours of online modules
  • R.E.D. Warrior® Workout (Drills & Skills)
  • A special Moving Meditations™ Workshop with movement breakdowns
  • The philosophy of R.E.D. Warrior® Nation of empowering yourself and others
  • The movement patterns of the R.E.D. Warrior® Workout
  • Learning the movement patterns from a personal perspective which is in alignment with our philosophy that you have to mind your own business and take ownership of your own workout.
  • How to overcome the negative self talk that may be limiting you in your everyday fitness routine.